
Earth Facts


  1. (above) Africa 404k gif

  2. Galileo image of South America 1st flyby 224k gif

  3. AVHRR mosaic 545k gif; 8811k gif; html

  4. section of Earth from Clementine 82k gif

  5. Map projected image of Earth 123k gif
  6. Gibbous Earth with SW North America visible 127k gif
  7. Mosiac of the Andes mountains in South America taken from Galileo 94k gif
  8. Americas by GOES (9/21/86) 391k gif; 583k jpg
  9. NOAA satellite's view of USA 322k gif
  10. The easternhalf USA viewed by GOES satellite 306k gif
  11. The great lakes of USA viewed by satellite 342k gif
  12. The southeastern USA viewed by NOAA satellite 226k gif

  13. Simpson desert in Austrailia 129k gif; 69k jpg

  14. Pseudo color full disk image of pacific 316k gif
  15. Image of the Gulf of Mexico 122k gif; 227k gif

  16. Strait of Gibraltar 157k gif

  17. Earth-Moon together from Galileo 2nd flyby 79K gif

  18. San Francisco Bay infra-red from Shuttle 294k gif; 83k jpg

  19. Space Station Mir over the Earth 111k gif
  20. Earth from Apollo 11 52k gif; 32k jpg

  21. USA at night 67k gif
  22. Current weather maps html
  23. Plate boundaries 171k gif
  24. Earth Viewer html
  25. AVHRR image browser html
  26. Shuttle image browser html
  27. ... more Earth images


  1. Earth-Moon animation 382K fli; 373K pics; 140K quicktime
  2. Clouds over West Europe, North Africa 379k mpeg 610k mpeg
  3. Aurora Video 1300k AVI
  4. Earth/Venus Rotation Movie 1000k AVI
  5. Galileo Earth Encounter 14000k AVI
  6. Clip 1 of Earth the Movie - Animation of Clouds 13000k AVI
  7. Rotating relief globe of Earth 2200k MPEG

Earth's Satellite

Earth has only one natural satellite, the Moon:
           Distance  Radius    Mass
Satellite  (000 km)   (km)     (kg)
---------  --------  ------  -------
Moon       384         1738  7.35e22
Thousands of small artificial satellites have also been placed in orbit around the Earth. (Lilith doesn't exist but it's an interesting story.)

More about Earth and the Moon

Open Issues

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Bill Arnett; last updated: 1996 July 16