Appendix 10:

Mirrors of

The Nine Planets

Copies of "The Nine Planets" are maintained at many different locations around the world. Selecting one of the links below will take you to the Table of Contents page at the corresponding site; all subsequent pages will be read from that site, too. Please use the one most "local" to you; in many cases that will greatly speed up your access time and save network bandwidth, too. (You may click on the map above or simply browse the lists below.)

[ If you would like to create your own mirror of TNP at your site here are some instructions. ]

North America

SEDS; Tucson, Arizona
This is the primary home of TNP, maintained by the author. This site is updated much more frequently than most of the others. Chris Lewicki of SEDS made this possible by giving me a full shell account on his machine. Without his generosity, none of this would be possible.

University of Washington; Seattle, Washington
This mirror is maintained by Alan Cairns.

Northwest Voyager; Portland, Oregon
This mirror is maintained by Rosemarie Fidler

UC Santa Barbara; California
This mirror is maintained by Matt Schalit.

Texas Tech University Department of Physics; Lubbock, Texas
This mirror is maintained by Alan Sill; see also their home page.

Northwestern University; Evanston, Illinois
This mirror is maintained by Pred S. Bundalo.

York University; Toronto, Ontario, Canada
This mirror is maintained by Ilan Graifer.

University of Pennsylvania Department of Physics and Astronomy; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
This mirror is maintained by Don Benton.

Brown University; Providence, Rhode Island
This mirror is maintained by Anurag Shankar.

South America

Sistema Pitagoras de Ensino; Belo Horizonte, Brazil
This mirror and a Portuguese translation are maintained by Hipacio Gomes Marra.


University College Galway; Ireland
This mirror is maintained by Tom Larkin.

Trinity Astronomy and Space Society; Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
This mirror is maintained by Chris Power.

Lockview Solutions; Belfast Northern Ireland
This mirror is maintained by Ed Barnett.

University of Wales, Aberystwyth; UK
This mirror is maintained by Ben Ketteridge.

Northern College Aberdeen/Dundee Scotland; UK
This mirror is maintained by Brian Dines.

University of Exeter; UK
This mirror is maintained by Brad Bagilhole.

University of Lisbon; Portugal
This mirror is maintained by Fernando C. Silva.

Paris Observatory; Meudon, France
This mirror is for access from France only. It is maintained by Laurent Demailly.

Scsinet; Barcelona, Spain
This mirror is maintained by Efraim Bayarri Garcia.

Vzw Info-Ster; Meise-Antwerp , Belgium
This mirror and a Dutch translation of TNP are maintained by Guido Hemeleers.

Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum; Hamburg, Germany
This mirror is maintained by Heino Peters. This should be the preferred choice for most Old World readers.

Tycho Brahe Planetarium; Copenhagen, Denmark
This mirror is maintained by Lars Lindberg Christensen.

Video On Line; Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy
This mirror is maintained by Stefano Murgia.

MC-link; Rome, Italy
This mirror is maintained by Stefano Iacus.

Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri; Firenze, Italy
This mirror is maintained by Carlo Baffa.

Faculty for Computer Engeneering and Information Science, University of Ljubljana; Slovenia
This mirror is maintained by Iztok Umek.

Bessenyei György Tanárképzô Fôiskola; Nyíregyháza, Hungary
This mirror is maintained by Sandor Biro.

József Attila University; Szeged, Hungary
This mirror is maintained by Károly Dévényi.

Academic Computer Center CYFRONET; Cracow, Poland
This mirror is maintained by Piotr Karocki

Astronomical Observatory of Adam Mickiewicz University; Poznan, Poland
This mirror is maintained by Tomasz Kwiatkowski.

University of Theesaloniki; Greece
This mirror is maintained by Andreas Athanasopoulos.

Demokritos University of Thrace; Xanthi, Greece
This mirror is maintained by Philip Trochoutsos.

Eastern Mediterranean University; Gazimagusa, North Cyprus
This mirror is maintained by Ibrahim Semiz and Aytac Canfer.


Intertech Systems; Midland, South Africa
This mirror is maintained by Pieter van der Walt.


Institute of Mathematical Sciences; Madras, India
This mirror is maintained by Radhika Vathsan.

Chinese University of Hong Kong; Shatin, Hong Kong
This mirror is maintained by Angus Siu.

Schools Online; Singapore
This mirror is maintained by Wynthia Goh.

National Taiwan University; Taipei, Taiwan
This mirror is maintained by Chou Han Chiang.

Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute; Taejon, Korea
This mirror is maintained by Kang, Sug-bong.

Oita University; Japan
This mirror is maintained by Nakano Makoto.

Togane Girl's High School; Chiba, Japan
This mirror and a Japanese translation are maintained by Kunio Takahashi.

International Systems Research; Tokyo, Japan
This mirror is maintained by Carlos A. Varela.

Kashima Space Research Center; Japan
This mirror is maintained by Yasuhiro Koyama.

Hirosaki University; Aomori, Japan
This mirror is maintained by Hirotatsu Sasakawa.


State Library of Tasmania; Hobart, Tasmania
This mirror is maintained by Jim Palfreyman.

Australian National University; Canberra, ACT
This mirror is maintained by Craig Savage.

University of Wollongong; NSW
This mirror is maintained by David Brooks.

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These pages are Copyright © 1994, 1995, 1996 by Bill Arnett; last updated: 1996 August 30